Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, which covers the end of the penis. There are certain conditions that may lead to the need for circumcision such as balanitis xerotica obilterans. This can affect the tip of the penis, which leads to scarring in the foreskin. As a result, the urethra may narrow, which in turn will make it more difficult to pass urine.
We only carry out circumcisions in children where a condition or medical reason requires it. We do not carry out circumcisions for non-medical reasons.
The circumcision is an operation and is often carried out as a day case, so there should be no need for the child to stay in overnight. It is quite a straightforward procedure, with the foreskin removed from just behind the head of the penis using a scalpel or surgical scissors. Dissolvable stitched should be used, meaning a follow-up to remove stitches shouldn’t be required.
Immediately after the operation, the penis will be sore for a few days and it can take up to six weeks for it to fully heal.
Please note, that the content on this page relates to a circumcision that is being carried out for a medical condition. We do not carry out circumcisions for non-medical circumstances.